Virtual Reality Projects for the Automotive Industry

You are part of the race with over twenty participants. You suit up, enter your car and start your engine. Ready, set and go! You immediately move to the sixth place, then slowly moving on to the fifth place. You passed the third and second car. Adrenalin rushes as you are at the rear of the first car, you step on your gas and slowly trying to pass the first car. You are head to head with the other car, and the finish line is just in sight. You move side by side, and as you reach the finish line, your alarm sets off. Too bad it is just a dream.

What if you get into a video game that gives you the thrill of getting into the race as if you are in the actual car race? Is that possible? Yes, virtual reality brought a new meaning to video games. With all the innovations in this technological platform, getting a near-reality gaming experience became possible. This is the positive impact virtual reality gave to the gaming world.
Now, just imagine how it will impact other industry sectors. Life will be even more awesome! This is how the automotive industry is feeling at the moment.

The integration of the immersive technologies like virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality is giving a different perspective on how car companies and even motorists view the whole concept in the automotive industry. For sure, anything is possible with these immersive technologies.

Virtual Reality in the Automotive Industry

The virtual reality has a big impact on the transformation of the automotive industry. The automotive industry will reap tons of benefits as it integrates these immersive technologies. Let us go over each area in detail.

Automobile Designs and Virtual Reality

The first area that virtual reality will impact is the overall design of our automobiles. Car manufacturers will get a better view on what designs offer both comfort and safety. The product design team will be able to check on a lot of factors in the design blueprint. It covers the overall external look, the internal design, electrical and even the mechanical function of our automobiles. It will give them that chance to check on how the car or automobile runs without the need to create a prototype. It helps them understand every detail and easily adjust the features before building the actual car. This will also give the design experts the ability to check on safety features and how each safety details, function. It means the car or automobiles that will be built and distributed in the market has passed all safety and quality control. There will be no need to pull out cars in cases where the safety features fail. At the onset of the design, car companies will already get these details and can easily come up with possible accident scenarios, and can check how each feature, functions.

Virtual Automobile Showrooms

Another area in the automotive industry that will definitely benefit from virtual reality is the Car Showrooms. If you want to buy a new car, the first thing that you do is to get in touch with the car dealer. You would either ask for some information over the phone, check their website, or go the showroom to check on the available car models.

Most of the time, car dealers would have limited car displays. The lack of car models usually makes it difficult for a customer to make a final purchase decision. There are several reasons why this happens. First, the car model you are looking at does not have the color you want. You are in doubt on how the actual color would look like. Second, certain car models have several versions. Usually, the highest version would not be available in the showroom. Since the version you want is not in sight, it will be difficult for you to make a comparison to the older from, the newer version.

Now that we have virtual reality, it will be easier for car dealers to create a near-reality showroom of all available models and colors of the car that you are aiming for. Just by using a VR Headgear and connect it to a high-performing computer, you can effortlessly showcase the cars virtually.

Your potential customers will also have the ability to check on the interior details of the car, which will help them in their decision-making process.

Automotive Training Sessions

Virtual reality will also aid in helping new motorists learn how to drive safer. Before a motorist gets to drive on an actual road, they can first learn the basics and safety procedures in a simulated environment. This will prevent any untoward incident that may happen on the road. Once the motorist learns all basic driving skills and procedures, then the driving instruction can decide whether the motorist is ready to do the actual test drive on the road.

Apart from that, bigger automobiles can be tested via a virtual environment. This way, the manufactures can immediately check on how it runs and can make necessary adjustments.

Safety and General Awareness

This is connected with the design and automotive training sessions. Car manufacturers can use virtual reality in simulating common road accidents, and can use this information to in creating better automobile safety features, and can be used in safety and general awareness training sessions.

It may not help totally eradicate road accidents, but it can help reduce possible and the most common road accidents. Aside from that, automobile manufacturers can provide safety information using a simulated environment, making each scenario as realistic as possible.

Lastly, it reinforces the consumer’s trust and confidence with car manufacturers.

Using these immersive technologies in the automotive industry helps each car company gain the trust and approval of the riding public. It will not just help them decide on what car to buy, but will also help them understand the public transport system.

We only see a few of the many things that virtual reality can influence. This is just the start of the many possibilities in using these immersive technologies in different industry sectors.